Blog: Next New

We often hear of stories in the news that a local pizza shop has an option for people to "Pay it Forward" by putting sticky notes on the wall with the amount they gave for homeless people to eat with. Even the MTA allows people to swipe others in with their unlimited cards. If we could take these acts of kindness and combine them with an electronic money transfer system like Venmo or QuickPay, people could give larger amount of money at a time.

For example, if I go to pay for my milk at my local farmers market, that store could have a collaboration with the Venmo or QuickPay that allows me to transfer an amount for the homeless and those in need. While I only see this working on a smaller scale, it will encourage people to give more money to pay forward than they usually do. It is already apparent with the quantity of people who choose to take part in these things that having that option available will encourage people to donate. With that fact and the ease of not having to have that physical amount of money on hand that the moment, people will be both encouraged to Pay-it-Forward and give more than they normally would. The new media aspect in this is not in the transfer of money, rather in the dual payment aspect that markets and online money transfer systems could create for ease of donation.


  1. Hi Maham,

    I think this is a great idea! I also love to pay it forward and give back to others whenever I have the chance to. Whenever I go to HomeGoods, if you donate to the charity they are supporting they ring this giant bell and everyone in the store basically knows that you donated. What you are saying is similar but just digitalized. Venmo, QuickPay, and other online forms of payments are becoming popular and relevant currently. Donating online is also extremely prevalent right now. From GoFundMe pages to staring a fundraiser on Facebook, it is very much digitalized and is something that anyone can do. Once again, great idea!

  2. Hi Maham, When I was part of Baruch's She's The First, we created a Pay it Forward event at a bake sale. I have seen that it takes just as little of one person to have a profound effect for good. I think your idea of this new media is brilliant and would help society in general. Now it seems that everyone has a Paypal, Venmo, or any variation of these apps on their mobile phones and like you said it creates an ease to make this new media very possible in real life. I hope to see this created in the near future and contribute to it as well!

  3. This is a lovely idea! I do like the fact that society is adjusting to incorporate the technology that we’ve been developing and that people are getting used to paying for things with their mobile devices. On top of Venmo and Paypal you also have CashApp, Zelle Quickpay, and Apple Pay. Don’t forget Bitcoin: one of the largest growing currencies that is challenging fiat. Hopefully we see it become a larger thing because compared to credit cards, the transaction fees and processing time for cryptocurrency is very small and quick!


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