Creativity and New Media

(Please full screen, select highest quality, and raise volume a bit before playing

For this assignment, I created a short video using Windows Movie Maker. This software allows me to compile pictures videos and text, and format and edit them into a video presentation. In this video, I created a little summary of my Pinterest account.

First I took screenshots of different elements and portions of my Pinterest web page.
Then, using Notepad, I organized my story line and sorted out the order in which I wanted my pictures to go.

Then I went through the process of assessing which music best fit my project. I decided light and whimsical went best so I "borrowed" the song Airplanes by B.o.B. off the internet.
All that was left was putting it all together with captions, altering timings, adding effects, and about two hours worth of editing. While an hour would suffice, Windows Movie Maker brings out my OCD and I have to make sure all fades, captions, effects and transitions are timed perfectly.
I published the video and DONE! Windows Movie Maker is versatile and allows simple editing and project making for assignment or presentations for school or even a professional setting. Making this video was a lot of fun and I could've played with it more to add more of a storybook effect, but this short video displays the basic functions of Windows Movie Maker.


  1. Hello Maham!

    I commend you for having the patience and drive to invest so much time in perfecting the video! I think it turned out great & it was very informative, since I haven't really dabbled into Pinterest. It definitely shows how much effort you put into this, and based on your step-by-step descriptions, you sure knew what you were doing; I respect that!

    Windows Movie Maker is something that comes with every PC, but most people (including myself) completely disregard it. Like you said, though, it can definitely make the lives of students easier with its simple editing functions when they have a school assignment or project do to. Instead of dishing out hundreds of bucks for some professional video content creation application, why not start out with something you already have, especially if it isn't something you'll commonly use?

    Also, I appreciate your song choice - haven't heard that song in a while, very nostalgic!

    1. Thank you so much William! Truly appreciate your comment. I do always say that people really don't take advantage of Windows Movie Maker enough. It almost sounds like an annoying add but it's honestly such a waste of an amazing resource. And thanks lol it took me a while to decide on a song and somehow it fit perfectly. Even though I keep it on my playlist because I find it funny.
      Thanks again!


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